Saturday, 3 November 2012

My ode to parents!

Continuing on my journey to start Tamahar! I am often asked what made me want to start Tamahar. For one, it was destined! And then, the other reason! On my way to a wiser me, I had made many mistakes and this is my attempt at making right what had not been in the first round! I am grateful for the very many experiences I had, that now have made me a better person, a better therapist.

Parents are the core of any training or treatment one gives a child, and they therefore need to be at the center-stage of any rehabilitation process. I had been through many experiences where parents were told to be "just parents", not therapists! Now I know, how wrong that is! Parents are the child's first therapists and they need to be equipped with the knowledge of how to deal with their child!

Children with special needs are often treated as though they are robots, no heart, no brain! Again, how wrong we are! The only thing they need is a way to express themselves, and we can learn so much about them! What I realized was that parents just wanted someone to help decipher what the children had to say. At Tamahar, we do just that. We help us understand the child and then in turn, help the child in understanding us! And like I said, parents are the core, so they are very much a process in it, not just a part of the process.